The keys to memory improvement are : AWARENESS of new data and ASSOCIATION to existing memory with PICTURES in your mind. The mind like all of the body, needs proper exercise to stay in shape. Results are usually quite noticeable even only after a few minutes.
Sustained and close-up focusing (computer, TV, driving, reading) can stress the system and the mind, giving memory problems. Computers and portable telephones provide a “crutch” to compensate for memory problems, which may actually weaken the natural memory, resulting in the need for stronger corrective action.
Exercises stimulate, strengthen and relax those parts of the mind that allow your memory to improve naturally. New research is beginning to show that the mind/body exercise plays a critical role in memory. So stimulate the mind for better memory with exercise to change attitudes.
Remember well and feel well. This requires you to be positive, confident and motivated, and thus for Learning Reinforcement, it may be helpful to consult Boston University site: